
Web 2.0 tools and distance education

Answering what is suggested in Unit 2 - Activity 1: Online teaching techniques, I propose the following:
Though I will present later some annotated bibliography about the adoption of Web 2.0 tools in distance education by defining theories and models which have different construct that effect the online teaching techniques, I decided first to gather several sites about educational utilization of Web 2.0 tools, from the point of importance of interaction for distance education.
The most common tools of Web 2.0 include blog, wiki, podcast and social network. Technology plays a key role especially for promoting interaction, delivering education and providing communication between teachers-students and students-students. Interaction in distance education is not limited to audio and video, or solely to teacher-student interactions, it must also represents the connectivity, the students’ feel with the distance teacher, aides, peers etc., otherwise without interaction students become autonomous, isolated and procrastinates and drops out (Sherry, 1996).

As a matter of fact, emerging technologies and changing pedagogies bring out the necessity for more effective two way communication, promoting interaction and collaborative working, sharing and flexible participation.

Web 2.0 Teaching Tools

«This site lists Web 2.0 websites and webtools have potential for use college and university teaching. »

LINK: http://web20teach.blogspot.com/


«We are a group of curious teachers who explore and brainstorm ways to integrate Web 2.0 technologies into our teaching. Some of us meet face-to-face at an independent school in St. Petersburg, Florida. The rest of us are from all over the world.»

LINK: http://teachweb2.wikispaces.com/

Top 25 Web 2.0 Apps to Improve a Student's or Professor's Productivity

«Being productive and getting things done both rely on planning and being organized. But with the hustle and bustle of courses, it's sometimes easy to forget what you have to do and when. So here are 25 Web 2.0 applications (mostly free) that should help you on your quest as a student or professor in being productive.
The idea is that these applications will in some way increase productivity and/or reduce time taken for specific tasks. Thus, some companies are more heavily represented because their products are designed for productivity.»

LINK: http://oedb.org/library/beginning-online-learning/top-25-web20-productivity-apps

Useful Web 2.0 Tools

«This powerpoint is a short collaboration of three Web 2.0 tools I think would be successful when implemented in a classroom environment.»

LINK: http://www.slideshare.net/jgarabedian11746/useful-web-20-tools

Web 2.0 and New Media Tools for Organization and Planning

«Many students with learning disabilities have difficulty with executive function – organizing, planning, keeping track of time, remembering information and keeping track of multiple tasks can all present difficulties for students with LD. Typically, individuals who struggle with executive function use a variety of strategies to help with organization and planning; students may use agenda books and calendars, to-do lists, organizers or detailed checklists for tasks and assignments. »

LINK: http://www.inclusiveschools.org/Web_%2526_New_Media_Tools

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